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Charleston, South Carolina: June 18, 2015

 God is fettered in jail,
in labyrinths of infinity
  –Abraham Joshua Heschel

As he sat with parishioners of Emanuel A.M.E. Church
he almost decided
to call the whole thing off, everyone had
enjoyed talking to him
a 21-year-old with half-bowl bangs
felt almost like chatting with friends
around a kitchen table
and for a moment
he wasn’t at a prayer meeting
wanted to push back his chair and say
have a great evening
walk outside with the 45-caliber Glock
tucked in his belt
climb into his car and
return to playing videos
or writing his manifesto
he’d been in such a big hurry
didn’t have time to develop
his best ideas

couldn’t be helped
knew how much the city of Charleston
with its monuments
and Confederate flags
didn’t have its own KKK or skinheads
he had to be the standard bearer
he had to be the brave one
he had to kill those black people

Holding on to the Fringes of Love

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