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Need to Know

Crossing the Bay Bridge today
I saw an Armenian Genocide banner
a public service stretched across the top-knot 
of Treasure Island yet another group
hunted down by history
a convenience story for everything gone wrong.
At my work a student asks

why people kill each other
we are reading about the Sudanese 
massacre two tribes pitch-forked 
against the bales of their hatred
his question is not a child’s
more like a question that begs an answer
why are humans at war
always with our own selves?

Children’s book for middle-grade readers, ages 9-12, an urban environmental fantasy set at the edge of a condo development where we meet 10-year-old Leah who has been labeled as the school weirdo. Why? Because she talks to something that’s hidden inside her backpack. Purchase on Amazon. Entertaining for parents as well! If you love the book, please write a quick review. Thanks!