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The Manicurist

Back then, a thistle wore a skirt of blossoms.
Death streaked your toenails blue.

I asked if I was wrong in leaving you.
Walking along Leona Canyon, I answered no.

The manicurist painted your fingernails. Also indigo.
Wasn’t sure who I was looking at.

A balloon pinioned to its back.
I’d let go of the string.

Loneliness? Habit? Fear?
Hoping it was going to work out?

My cousin is stuck to the couch.
A friend waits for a diagnosis.

The manicurist asks if I wish to get my nails done.
I answer no.

Holding on to the Fringes of Love

Links to my work

Review of my poetry collection “Two Places” 

Children’s book for middle-grade readers, ages 9-12, an urban environmental fantasy set at the edge of a condo development where we meet 10-year-old Leah who has been labeled as the school weirdo. Why? Because she talks to something that’s hidden inside her backpack. Purchase on Amazon. Entertaining for parents as well! If you love the book, please write a quick review. Thanks!
