And so, he said, the coronavirus is a hoax, but scientists and doctors in the medical field came on radio and TV to testify the very opposite. Then he said that there will be testing kits for everybody who needs them, but there were no kits available in hospitals across the country. Then he said the stock market will bounce back in a few days, and there’s nothing to worry your 401K about. But the markets did not bounce back and sank even lower into bear territory.
–from the Book of WhatsNext
Good Things About the CoronaVirus
–Real science is getting center-stage after being dismissed countless times as a “hoax”
–We are hearing and seeing less of Donald Trump
–It’s clear we are living in a global world (just in case any one had any doubts)
–Maybe we’ll address global warming in a real way
–There’s less traffic
–Toilet paper has won out as the number one item we need in a disaster
–We all now have a good reason to stay home
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