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For the World That’s Coming

"Never in a million years could I have imagined I would 
go up to a bank teller wearing a mask & ask for money."

Not where borders and airports stay open based on the number of infections, Not where the number of dead overwhelm our hospitals. The abyss seems to be drawing closer to my bedframe, easy enough with COVID and the four-speaker noise about an authoritarian takeover of the U.S. government. I pray that more moderate forces will prevail, but not sure. Only our world is in trouble—still, I remember the planet’s made up of people, not only nations. How will those of us who survive COVID-19 be changed by the experience? How can we think about creating a world where the voices of people are not drowned out by money and power? Is it possible to foster an international curriculum where every school or classroom adopts a school in another country, which then becomes a year-long assignment for each student and his parents or guardians, to learn as much as they can about that area—it’s people, history, language, literature culture, an understanding of its economy and its challenges? What is its government like? Health systems? Main crops? What is its geography? Country by country, so by the time students graduate, they will have an in-depth knowledge of a larger world. Zoom calls with students in other countries, interviews, shared performances with music.