On Becoming a Giraffe
People say you get smaller as you age, and cite any number of relatives to prove their point. For example, how a 6’4” basketball player… Read More »On Becoming a Giraffe
People say you get smaller as you age, and cite any number of relatives to prove their point. For example, how a 6’4” basketball player… Read More »On Becoming a Giraffe
In a place called Oakside no different than any poor village, there once lived a girl named Liana. Her hair was brilliantly black and shone… Read More »Liana Runs Away
Dangling from fingers the blue sail of my mask twirls tacking me to the Golden Gate wind kicking up nowdisplays the ocean’s white petticoatsseals in wet suitsfrying donuts… Read More »Mask Epilogue
I was there for the big bang when they imploded the 11-story Oak Knoll Naval Hospital, itself a combat veteran of changing times whispering dust… Read More »In the Spring of 2011