Changelings in a World of Broken
Beneath a drone of airplanes, I hear the chant of clouds drift across the top of apartment buildings singing songs to glass skylights and satellite… Read More »Changelings in a World of Broken
Lenore's collections include "Tap Dancing on the Silverado Trail" (2011) from Finishing Line Press, “Sh’ma Yis’rael” (2007) from Pudding House Publications, and "Cutting Down the Last Tree on Easter Island" (West End Press, 2012). Her writing has won recognition from Poets&Writers (finalist in California Voices contest) and as a finalist for Pablo Neruda Prize, Nimrod International Journal. The Society for Technical Communication has recognized her work regarding Technical Literacy in the schools. All material is copyrighted on this site and cannot be used without the author's permission.
Beneath a drone of airplanes, I hear the chant of clouds drift across the top of apartment buildings singing songs to glass skylights and satellite… Read More »Changelings in a World of Broken
They appeared as strangers do from a stone pathway– a Moth Princess in a gauze gown, flaming calla lilies, electric fireflies, sea glass lamps shuddering in the light of… Read More »Lake Merritt Autumn Lights Festival, 2014
Waltz into my room wearing purple robes,
skull caps decorated with gold tassels
coins from countries that sell sun glasses.
Reading Yew Nork made me feel like I was huddled beneath the streetlamps of Paris gathered with Surrealist poets, André Breton and Benjamin Péret smoking Galloises. Except this was possibly New York’s Gotham City and Dale Jensen was my guide.
Maples wrap branches around my rib cage,
a trap of orange and gold leaves filter translucent light,
and like an unsuspecting moth, I’m sucked in
A giant’s missus walks in the fields, steals hay bales to use for curlers, wraps her wiry locks around each one stuck with a branch… Read More »Big Date
When I turn on the morning news or listen to the radio in my car, I pray not to hear the black blot of another… Read More »Prayer for a Monday Morning
no daily warbles bringing each other up-to-date, take-offs and landings, welcome homes and toes curled around each other in bed, retreat inside my nest, gather… Read More »Heart Broken
A shell seeker who bends down from the waist,
nipples bid the wind good day
Let us sing of heroes, inducted into a land of zombies,
vampires, crooked cops, drug dealers, military forces of occupation,
each room set up to teach another cruelty of the human heart