The Recycling Genuis
The end of a meal was our least favorite and for reasons other than the ones you might think–the moment when we’d all have to stand in judgment and decide
The end of a meal was our least favorite and for reasons other than the ones you might think–the moment when we’d all have to stand in judgment and decide
Reba McIntire’s smile and her buoyant faith The Great British Baking Show and Banbury Cake Walking along Leona Canyon in the dripping rain Frogs singing in the cattails. Just saying.
After 15 years of working at the wildlife refuge, my boss said I’d been furloughed, nonessential he laughed, the guy who always answers visitor questions about waterfowl. “Consider it a
“To study the history of mentalities is to enter the arena of human experience most resistant to change.” –Marc Bloch, The Historian’s Craft This week I didn’t need my GPS
Like most Costco shoppers, I have three of everything—three tubes of toothpaste, three jars of spaghetti sauce, and three boxes of dish detergent. In commerce as in literature, three is
Hiding on a branch, Blue spotted Leah and Ms. Meow’s striped grey tail. Neither of them was going to like what he had to say, but how could he blame