Sitting in Duck Country
Find the university police office opposite the Burger King on DeSiard. The library is down the street from the KFC, the Farmer’s Market for satsumas is tucked around the corner
Find the university police office opposite the Burger King on DeSiard. The library is down the street from the KFC, the Farmer’s Market for satsumas is tucked around the corner
“I pass an aisle of travel mugs in different colors, and sizes, with Disney characters, Duck Dynasty members, motorcycle riders and flowers growing in orange and purple, overdosing in consumer
I looked for you riding the down escalator on my way to the bargain table at Alexander’s where you used to take me to find a dress in a girl’s
Trees shrug leaves like rusted appliances no one wants. New leaves grow without a discount they can’t recant. And see my recent review of “Coming Close: Forty Essays on Philip
For a big man, you left a small footprint, on your shoulders people created arabesques, formed pyramids as I watched from the edge of a plaid blanket knowing you were
I wear a young woman’s body, my skin taut and burning bright, scrubbed clean with a loofah, the scent of lavender or rose tucked away like a handkerchief in all