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Too Many Mass Shootings

Why can’t we do something about guns
The list of mass shootings in the United States

Blows me away Lawmakers, 
The kind of people who represent lobbyists in Congress.
Who cares if your Daddy taught you how to shoot?
Those were deer and turkeys you ate, not people.

The churning of an industrial society 
Rocks and pebbles and the taste of salt water
Up our noses as we text message
in the same underwear

Waiting to be washed Clean as the see-saw
Balance gone
The bully on one side 
Sticks his feet down and stays there.
Everyone has run away from the school yard.

Men who tsk tsk tsk on television
How background Checks (Balances) won’t work,
Protection of the second amendment,
its original intent was as a hit squad.
A constitutional codpiece
of politicians against gun control
who themselves are violent.

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