I tried to grab you chase the cat’s eye marble clouding your eyes so startled as I pulled you back from the edge of wherever you stoodthe boy who refused to carry a
I tried to grab you chase the cat’s eye marble clouding your eyes so startled as I pulled you back from the edge of wherever you stoodthe boy who refused to carry a
The new senior housing development on MacArthur Blvd just below High Street used to be a haven for prostitutes walking within shouting distance of a run-down motel called The Seasons.
All he wanted was to stop burning –Dahlia Ravikovitch she stands behind a kettle ingera, poulet yassa, pupusa, plaintain, cabbage, pasta, cassava, yams, rice and beans food for migrants migrants
Sometimes I feel an underground river forcing its way between deformed cliffs. —Adrienne Rich I’m on the elliptical music streaming eyes glued to the pall-bearer of morning news three overhead
God is fettered in jail, in labyrinths of infinity –Abraham Joshua Heschel As he sat with parishioners of Emanuel A.M.E. Church he almost decided to call the whole thing
You are one, the first number that is the beginning of Arithmetic and geometry’s starting point–Solomon ibn Garibol I spoke to him last nightthe killer he